Saturday, January 25, 2014

God the Father Almighty

Week 2 went great.  Our discussion lasted about 20 minutes and then we split into groups for our project.  The goal was for them to understand what we mean we call God, "Father."  The younger teens really got into it.  The older ones grumbled at first, but had a good time.  

Apostle's Creed Week 2:  God the Father, Almighty

"I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended to the dead.  On the Third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting."

Of whom is God the Father? (Jesus)  Why is this important? (God is only God in relationship; God knows what it's like to be a parent; The Father had to watch the Son suffer;)

Why do you think it matters that we believe in a person not a thing?
Persons form relationships
Persons love
Things are doctrines and human fabrications

What images come to mind when you think of Father?

How is God like a Father?
brought us into being
we bear God’s image
God cares for us

How is God unlike a Father?
perfect in love
not a human being
no divine mother - just one parent

Perhaps the best way to think about God the Father is to look at the Son, Jesus Christ
(John 14:9)

Let’s look at one parable that Jesus told to understand how God is Father

"The Prodigal Son," or "The Wastefully Extravagant Father" - Luke 15:11-32

Split into teams to make a music video of "The Prodigal Son" by Rolling Stones (I bought it on iTunes, but Here is the link to youtube.  It's a great song.

"Well a poor boy took his father's bread and started down the road 
Started down the road 
Took all he had and started down the road 
Going out in this world, where God only knows 
And that'll be the way to get along 

Well poor boy spent all he had, famine come in the land 
Famine come in the land 
Spent all he had and famine come in the land 
Said, "I believe I'll go and hire me to some man" 
And that'll be the way I'll get along 

Well, man said, "I'll give you a job for to feed my swine 
For to feed my swine 
I'll give you a job for to feed my swine" 
Boy stood there and hung his head and cried 
`Cause that is no way to get along 

Said, "I believe I'll ride, believe I'll go back home 
Believe I'll go back home 
Believe I'll ride, believe I'll go back home 
Or down the road as far as I can go" 
And that'll be the way to get along 

Well, father said, "See my son coming after me 
Coming home to me" 
Father ran and fell down on his knees 
Said, "Sing and praise, Lord have mercy on me" 

Oh poor boy stood there, hung his head and cried 
Hung his head and cried 
Poor boy stood and hung his head and cried 
Said, "Father will you look on me as a child?" 

Well father said, "Eldest son, kill the fatted calf, 
Call the family round 
Kill that calf and call the family round 
My son was lost but now he is found 
'Cause that's the way for us to get along" 


Were there any phrases in this song that stuck out to you?

There is one phrase in Luke 15:17 that says, “when he came to himself”
We were made to be in relationship with this Father, with God.
This is how we were built, created.

Today, I am going to send you with this one though - when we come into ourselves, realizing that life without God the Father is no life at all, realizing that life outside of God’s family only leads to death and unhappiness, we know this Father is waiting expectantly for all of us.  

I would challenge you to run to the lavish Father who wants to welcome you into his arms and keep you in his fold forever.

BRIC "Prodigal Son" Starring 6 Boys and a Girl from Zach Ellis on Vimeo.

BRIC "Prodigal Son" Starring The BRICsters from Zach Ellis on Vimeo.

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